COMPO Lawn Fertilizer Plus provides the lawn with all the important nutrients for a dense, deep green lawn. A lawn that receives the right nutrients and is regularly preventively cared for can compete better with weeds and moss. The high percentage of plant components contributes to the development of a strong, vital, dense and deep green lawn. This makes the lawn more resistant to stress (drought or treading) and allows less moss and weed growth.
The product contains:
Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen ensures a lush green lawn and healthy growth. Regular mowing and removing the clippings continuously extracts nutrients from the lawn. But it is precisely after mowing that grasses need a lot of nitrogen. This nitrogen-rich fertilizer brings the lawn back into balance.
Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus contributes to strong root growth.
Potassium (K): Potassium ensures a better cell structure of the grasses, making the lawn more robust.
Thanks to its organic-mineral composition, this fertilizer is harmless to humans and animals and the lawn can be walked on again immediately after application